Monday, January 31, 2011

Goodbye (For Now)

Ladies and Gentlemen,

It has been quite a ride the past 18 months or so. From the most serious of posts to the most hilarious, it has been fun writing on this site and sharing my opinions with the rest of you all. It has been great to express my "creative" side through this medium and something that I might come back to in the future. However, with RJS being more than 90% written by me, and since I have been busy with graduate school this past year, I have not had time to write my inspired (maybe) and insightful (sure, why not) posts. Perhaps when the school year ends and I have my M.S. in hand I will be able to return to post on this site. Until then, and until new people want to help out, I have to call for a RJS hiatus. We are only the latest in great things to take such a break. I would name others, but no reason to drag others into this. The sports world is full of very opinionated folks so I doubt this website taking a break will make people cry, although if it does, I'd like to know and personally apologize. To my Bruin readers out there, which is probably like 95% of my fanbase, stay strong. Especially this week with U$C and St. John's Lizard coming to Pauley. To everyone else, take care. It's been real.

much love,


  1. At least we still have jeremy to write some parts...oh wait, just part of namesake
