Some relationships in life such as higher velocity -> higher momentum, lower resistance -> lower voltage used, and higher SAT scores -> higher chance of getting into college are called (directly) proportional relationships. Others such lower radius -> higher force are called inversely proportional relationships, or reciprocal ones. Well, we can now add another one of the type. When adrenaline goes up intelligence goes down. This one should be rightfully credit to U$C Fullback Stan Havili. Mr. Havili decided that such theory, which many Trojans might consider analogous to Einstein's theory of relativity, justifies breaking the cheekbone of a teammate in practice. Really Stanley, really? Just because emotions run high, doesn't mean breaking a bone in a teammates body is justified. There are plenty of other ways to be competitive without having to break a bones. You can trash talk, get in their faces with dumb jumping, or even to light shoving. I'm sure that there are many other ones you can do, but those three are the ones that come to mind. The bottom line is this, when emotions run high, don't break someone else's bones, especially of that someone happens to be the guy who come Saturdays will wear the same colors as you.
But hey, when the "school's" motto is FIGHT ON! can you really blame ole Stanley?
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