For it to be a good day in college basketball, a few things have to happen. One, UCLA must not lose. Since UCLA did not play tonight, so that can be crossed off the list. Another category is for the two hated ACC schools to lose. Somehow, that happened. UNC once again got caught with their pants off at home against Wake Forest and Duke was upset by NC State by double digits. Both losses are quite UCLA-esque for this season, so the Blue and Gold faithful can relate to the blue wearing Tar Heels and Blue Devils. But seriously, those two teams are arguably the most media hyped teams every year and although Duke has looked great at times this year, they are Duke. Does anyone remember a good Duke team in the last five years? Neither do I. The North Carolina fall from grace (and by next week the Top 25) is not as surprising considering that they lost so much talent to the NBA and although they are restocked, they are still young. Pretty much a better version of UCLA in an analogous situation. The biggest shame from today is that U$C didn't lose, but I guess that there's always tomorrow for that.
PS. This post is dedicated to Megan Grant, she'll know why.
Ouch, Ran. I'm waiting for Megan to start a pro-Duke/anti-UCLA/fuck-you-Ran blog now.