There is no good way to judge whether or not a mascot is dirty or not... or is there? Well, you can think about how creepy/perverted/filthy they look as well as what their names also mean. Thus, we are RJS present to you the five most awesomely dirtiest mascots in the world of college athletics:
2. BEAVERS of Oregon State University. Not only does the beaver also mean the female genitalia, but it also implies that it is quite bushy. The beaver mascot also looks really creepy and quite honestly frightening. I have seen it in person, so I can personally attest to it.
4. TROJANS of U$C (the pretentious one). What does one think of when they hear Trojans? The warriors who battled in the ancient days and were fooled by a wooden horse? Probably not. Most people think of condoms, and rightfully poke fun at this mascot because of it. Don't believe me? Refer to any sports blog from the Pac-10 or other conferences that are about to face the Trojies.
5. COUGARS of Washington State University. This third Pac-10 school on the list gets the final nod on the list not necessarily because it is overly perverted or anything, but because nothing else comes close to having a connotation as good as it. A Cougar is an older woman who preys on younger men. It is pretty funny to say you are a Coug if you go to the school, and thus it gets the 5th and final nod.
HONORABLE MENTIONS: Pirates, Flames, Cotton Blossoms
No love for the Tulsa Golden Hurricanes? If you're on the Gulf/Atlantic coast, you have a chance at saying "Well, there are hurricanes around here, and we did the Cal/Minnesota thing of adding 'Golden' to it." If you're in Oklahoma, the only reason to be named that is because "shower" wasn't enough to describe what you're thinking of.