Monday, October 5, 2009

Oregon Football Jersey Week: Part I

Oregon is in town this coming weekend to play the Bruins and as a tribute of sorts to our awkward neighbors to the north we here at Ran Jeremy Sports are each taking a look back our own favorite football jerseys worn over the years by the University of Oregon Ducks. If you’re one of those people who just asked themselves, “why their jerseys,” then you obviously aren’t well acquainted with the University of Oregon. In what must be the result of a designer with ADHD the school keeps each one of its football players more inundated with clothing than Paris Hilton. In 2006 they bragged to have more than 500 different uniform combinations I kid you not.

Today we’re going back to Oregon vs. Mississippi State opening day 2003 to take a look at a real douzie that lasted all of one game.

Let’s make no mistake here folks. I like bold, and brash, and the occasional mix of the two. But bold, brash and insanely yellow is another story. Oregon had some bad jerseys before the Nike era but this little number makes me hearken back to a day without Phil Knight.

The only redeeming part of this jersey is the subtle irony of the yellow seeming to form a “Y” right in front. “Why” indeed must have been on more than a few minds as the team gallivanted onto the field for warm-ups on opening day of the 2003 season. Reportedly gasps were heard in the crowd, from both Oregon’s and Mississippi State’s cheering sections.

Fortunately for both the fans and the team these jerseys only saw the gridiron once and have since been recycled into police caution tape. 2003 had many ups and downs; this was certainly one of the latter.

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